Wednesday 8 February 2012

Twelve Manilla Envelopes Good & True

Sorry this has to be brief, I'm just popping over to Monaco to open a bank account in my dog's name and to arrange for all income to be paid in with no tax deductions. It's all perfectly legal apparently, providing you claim you have forgotten about the account and you can't reed and rite proper like.


Sav said...

Perfect! So much for British justice. Very funny but how true.

I am sorry. Once, I have heard the instructions given to the Jury by the Judge, that they should reach a unanimus verdict on all four questions that were raised, I knew there an then that there was no chance on earth for a guilty verdict. All you needed was a Spuds fan (or even sympathiser) in the Jury and the whole thing was doomed to fail from the very beginning.

This is a miscarriage of justice and an insult to all law abiding citizens who work hard and pay their taxes every year. These guys can get away with anything...

Hammersfan said...

LOL And that's from a Greek! Sorry Sav but you must see the irony!

Travelling Hammer said...

Playing devil's advocate. You have been supporting John Terry as innocent until proven guilty, so when the British legal system finds someone innocent you chose to ignore the verdict as it doesn't fit your opinion of Arry's guilt. Where does that leave you on all those who similarly have judged Terry that you criticise so readily. Bit double standards HF!

Anonymous said...

£8 million police investigation (without any conviction) wonder if there will be another investigation into the costs, (which will result in more tax payers money wasted) Surely given the costs involved there must be a better way of resolving these types of cases, why waste so much public money?

Anonymous said...

16:45 shame you're too daft to realise the irony that your statement about Sav (and it's not the first time) is completely racist. If I was you Sav I'd report him.

AJ said...

This is the man who said he couldn't read, write, text or send emails. He said he was clumsy, forgetful and financially disorganised - and now they're going to make him England's next manager!

BTW HF I think your comment to Sav is rude and a tad racist

Hammersfan said...


Hammersfan said...

Double standards? Me Travelling? As if! I'm endorsing 'Arry here. I say it's all perfectly legal don't I? That was the verdict wasn't it? ; }

Anonymous said...

kevin in manchester writes

as I have found out to my cost when it comes to libel the strict meaning of words and phrases are no defence if the meaning is clear. beware!

Anonymous said...

kevin again..

also sav if you followed this case by scanning headlines and stories you might have a very different view than if you were in court or in the understanding is that the tax man, not for the first time, failed to make even a maginally convincing case. I write as someone who was mildly disappointed that he was not guilty.

Hammersfan said...

My meaning is clear. That 'Arry was found innocent. My dog is wagging his tail at the thought of £180,000. That's a lot of Winalot!

the headmaster said...

I'm wondering if my Governors would be prepared to make me a gift and donate it to an off-shore account. Hey-ho, a cat can look at a King.

Anonymous said...

Even if you receive a gift you still have declare it, and your tax would be effected it it......... it's no defence.

Sav said...

Thank you for your support guys.

But let me make some things perfectly clear:

1. HF is a racist. We all know that. He knows that as well.
2. HF tries to provoke me and many many others into responding as it helps the number of clicks he gets on his site. (And frankly, that's all he cares about).
3. He tried to insult all Greeks as being tax evaders and cheats. But I have also insulted British Justice (which I didn't really mean to). So we are all human.

And life goes on. The funny thing is that Arry comes out of this a national hero! Only in England! Here I go again... And speaking of England, Arry is now everybody's favourite for the England job. How easily people forget!

Hammersfan said...

So when are you going to pay the Germans back mate?

Deane said...

everybody is racistto a degree it's how we fight those tendencies that maketh the man

Sav said...

You know, come to think of it, the first racists were indeed the Greeks. Ancient Greeks thought that there were only two types of people, the Greeks and the rest of the World which was made just of uncivilised savages. They used to used to say that "anyone who is not a Greek is a barbarian". In HF's case, of course they were right!

Alexander the Great however (who was also a Greek) changed all that and while conquering all the known world, he made sure that race is not and should never be an issue.

So, you can't offend me by calling me Greek HF. It is simply a compliment.